5 Dogs Who Love to Get Muddy
Posted by Brooke Spater on 3rd May 2018
For many dogs, the freedom to get filthy is totally invigorating. After all, rolling around in the wet squishy mud all day long is like a trip to the dog spa. We found 5 dogs who dig getting dirty and we asked their owners a bit about their obsession with mud. While many dog owners dread these muddy outings and the mess that comes with them, try and appreciate how truly happy these romps can make your dog! Besides, it’s nothing a nice bath can’t fix!
Honey is a 2-year-old English Springer Spaniel from Portland, Oregon who loves getting muddy on hikes to cool off. She also loves laying in mud puddles to cool off at the dog park. She particularly loves submerging her face and snorting mud into her nose. Her favorite part of dipping in a nice cool mud puddle is her hot bubble bath afterwards.
Lorelei and Josie are best friends and they live in Virginia! They love to wrestle each other to the ground, which makes for two very muddy girls. They have been known to dig holes together, and argue about who gets to stick their face in. The girls snuggle each other constantly in the car.
Josie taught Lorelei to swim! Lorelei was much more cautious about the water, shepherd-style, but Josie will bound in with abandon after any stick. Her carefree attitude has worn off on Lorelei, who will now fetch like a true retriever. Friends at the dog park say they both act like two big Golden puppies together!
Lorelei’s favorite harness is the Tru-Fit harness from Kurgo! She likes it so much that she once stole it in a pouring rainstorm and tried to bury it in a muddy pit! Her dog mom was slipping and sliding after her to get it back. She is a very mischievous girl and always willing to get positively filthy.
Woof- my name is Ava! I am one lucky girl because I'm so low to the ground that I am always filthy. Mud means we are having fun! Mom accepts that about me. I love to hike all day and snuggle all night with my pawrents (after I've had a bath, of course). I'm also a mischievous one! I like to steal socks and underwear and chew the couch up (it's just way too much fun!).
From hair bows to mud holes, Francesca "Frankie" just can't get enough. Frankie is a 2-year-old Goldendoodle from central Florida. She lives to get dirty and her smile tells it all. Take your eyes off her for a minute and the next you will find her rolling around in the mud hair bow and all. Frankie is a huge fan of taking a bath, so despite her love of mud, it doesn’t take much to convince her to get cleaned up!
Huckleberry can smell mud from a mile away. It is his favorite way to cool down throughout the day and he will plunge head first into mud puddles and roll around until he is covered head to toe and looks like a Chocolate Lab. When he is not face deep in a puddle of mud you can find him exploring the mountains and lakes of California.
Brooke Spater runs Social Media Marketing at Kurgo. Amongst other things, she manages the Kurgo blog and enjoys spending time with her husband, 3 kids, and 90 lb. Goldendoodle named Baxter.
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