Leashes and Collars

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Dog Collars and Leashes

No matter where you and your dog are headed next, a dog collar and leash are essential accessories. They’re also important training tools for correcting bad habits, like pulling and jumping. Dog walking collars come in a variety of designs and can be paired with any dog leash. For a leash that will do it all, check out Kurgo’s Ascender 5-in-1 Dog Leash and Quantum 6-in-1 Dog Leash. These versatile leashes can be converted into several styles, depending on what you have in mind—training, hands-free exploring, or stationary tethering. Want to go completely hands free? Our RSG Dog Sling Thing is perfect for short hikes. For longer hands-free expeditions, check out the Springback Dog Leash and Springback Lite Dog Leash (both designed to be used with our running belts and utility belt). Use a Leash Latch to attach your own gear or choose a Molle light or poop bag dispenser to your leash for more versatility.

Frequently Asked Questions

What leash is best for a dog?

The best dog leash really depends on what you’re hoping to achieve. Whereas a long dog leash allows your dog to sniff and explore at her leisure, there are times when you need to maintain tighter control. A short leash is ideal for congested areas or when you simply need to keep your pup on task. If your dog has a tendency to leap out at cars or passersby, our Walk About No-Pull Leash is a good choice. The leash features a patented Leash Cleat, which enables you to quickly wrap the leash around your dog’s chest for quick containment.

Should dogs be on leashes?

Leashes are often required on trail networks. These rules are in place to create a safe zone for other trail users (both dogs and people), and to keep pups from venturing off the beaten path where they could endanger sensitive plant species and wildlife. Before heading out with your dog, be sure to check the leash laws in your area.

Do dogs like collars?

Most dogs have been wearing a collar since they were small pups. If your pup is just getting accustomed to a collar or simply isn’t a big fan of traditional collars, she may be more comfortable wearing a wide dog collar with a wrap system, like our RSG Dog Collar. However, a dog harness and leash are a great alternative for dogs that simply can’t tolerate a collar. All Kurgo dog leashes are designed to be used with our selection of dog harnesses.

How to leash train a dog

When leash training your dog, you’ll need the right equipment—a dog training collar and dog leash—and patience. Give your pup time to adjust to his new collar and leash. You’ll want to start with short jaunts on the trail, and then gradually add time and distance. Before long you’ll be racking up the miles.

How to train a dog to walk on a leash

We’ve yet to meet a dog who doesn’t love a walk. And if getting out to do their favorite thing requires a leash, then they’re usually quick to adjust. If your dog is new to a leash, then we recommend starting with a short leash like our Walk About Reins or Walk About Traffic Lead to keep your dog from developing bad habits, like pulling. As your dog gets accustomed to being on leash, you can gradually extend the leash to give her more freedom and then rein her in as needed. Although most of our leashes can be adjusted for length, our RSG Dog Stub Leash is our most popular leash for beginners.

How to stop your dog from pulling on leash

It’s your dog’s natural instinct to pull toward something interesting or delicious. But the right tools can help you curb their impulsive behaviors. Dog training collars and leashes are designed to teach your dog to walk at your side and stay focused.