Overview of Dog Obedience Training

Overview of Dog Obedience Training

Posted by Jennifer Joyce on 15th August 2016

Dog owners know that one of the first things they have to do when getting a new pet is making sure that they are properly trained. However, dog training can also be a fantastic activity for you and your dog to do together. It can keep their mind and yours sharp as well as give you both a lot of fun. It can sometimes be hard to decide where to start with formal training so we have summarized the basic kinds to help you get started.

The most common kinds of dog training fall into four unique categories, which are often offered as individual classes taught by experts. They include: puppy, basic, agility, and formal/rally obedience. We’ve broken these down a bit further to help give you a better understand of what they are and how they could help provide a benefit to your family and dog.

Puppy Kindergarten:

Focused on dogs from 10 weeks to 9 months old, this type of training socializes puppies with other humans and dogs as well as helps your dog learn to walk on a leash, understand his name, and get used to the idea of training. Just like real kindergarten! The classes also focus on some basics like, sit, come when called, stay, and heel. Once your puppy graduates from this introductory training, you can consider other activities you might to train your dog to do.

Basic Training:

This style of training is the one you probably think of and includes basic obedience commands like sit, stay, and shake. Dogs of any age can take it at any time. Through a series of classes, your dog can train for and pass the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Certification, which emphasizes basic skills needed to behave properly in the community. It includes things like accepting the approach of a stranger, allowing someone to touch its feet & ears, or sitting and staying even in a crowded situation.

Agility Training:

This style of training revolves around obstacle courses that the dog navigates with the assistance of the trainer. Fast-paced, sporty, and highly athletic, agility training is excellent for high energy dogs. Courses usually are built to include somewhere between 15-20 different kinds of obstacles, depending upon the difficulty level. These include all different kinds of things, like jumps and tunnels to dog walks and A-frames. Agility training also encourages teamwork, communication, and exercise, all of which are great qualities!

Formal/Rally Obedience:

This style of training focuses on a specific sport that pits a dog and their handler as a team against other teams, each one trying to complete a course of 10-20 different stations with challenges at each one. Examples of these challenges are basic heeling, recall, retrieval of items and products that have the unique scent of their handler. This is really tough to do but incredibly rewarding for both the trainer and the dog alike, helping with obedience, smell, and recall training!

These kinds of training all accomplish different things but do have one thing in common: they help you spend more loving time with you dog!

Recommended Products for Dog Training:

Dog Training Treat Bag:

You will be the envy over everyone at Puppy Kindergarten and your pants pockets won't be stuffed with mushy treats. It attaches to your waist band or belt loop and is easy to open and close for when you need to give your dog a reward.

Dog Training Leash:

Our Quantum Leash is a great dog training leash, because it can go from a short 3' lead for control work to a 6' lead for working on your heel. All with a small adjustment. It can also be used as a hands-free leash by clipping it around your waist or over your shoulder.

Dog Training Harness:

Either our Journey Harness or Tru-Fit Smart Harness are comfortable, breathable and great for training. A harness works well for training as it disperses pulling for dogs new to a lead and different attachment points like the chest, shoulders, and back can help depending on the skill you are working on that day.

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