5 Reasons Your Pup Needs a Dog Backpack

5 Reasons Your Pup Needs a Dog Backpack

Posted by Dan Hinds on 29th April 2015

Do you have a dog backpack for your furry friend? If not, you may be missing out on one of the most useful tools for pup parents in existence. They make your dog healthier, happier, and make your daily walks or weekend hikes an all around better experience. Need more convincing? Here are five real reasons why your dog needs a backpack in their life.

  1. Because there’s more to working out than cardio
    When you hit the gym, do you just run on the treadmill for an hour and then call it quits? Only if you don’t care about getting those sick gains! Building muscle (as millions of bros around the world will confirm) is pivotal to an all around healthy body and appealing look. Now, your dog doesn’t have to be the next Baxter Jackson, but a little bit of muscle can help them lead a longer, healthier life.
  2. Because it’s about time they got a job
    Believe it or not, many breeds of dogs WANT jobs. Since it’s not practical to teach Excel to your Schnauzer, a dog backpack is a great way to give your pup a purpose. When a dog is wearing their pack, they know they’re helping in a tangible way, so they’ll generally behave better and feel happier.
  3. Because you’re not their pack mule
    You work hard as a dog parent and, frankly, you deserve a break. Why should you carry your dog’s food, water, bowls and all the rest when your pup is perfectly capable of hauling their own stuff? And not just capable, but happy to do it! Of course this may not be true for your Chihuahua, but your standard lab is certainly glad to lighten your load a little.
  4. Because you don’t want to take their poop on tour
    This one is pretty self-explanatory. Life any good parent, you pick up after your pup. Instead of holding onto that poop bag for the duration of your hike or hooking it to the leash like some bizarre good luck charm, put it into your dog's backpack. They carry it happily and you don’t have to see (or smell) it all day.
  5. Because when your dog sleeps better, you sleep better
    A nice long walk with an appropriately weighted pack will give your dog one heck of a workout. More than likely, they’ll fall asleep in the car on the way home and stay asleep straight through the night. Which is perfect, because after a long hike, you’ll likely be exhausted too.

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