The Best & Worst Foods to Share with Your Dog

The Best & Worst Foods to Share with Your Dog

Posted by Megan Schneider on 13th March 2017

The Best & Worst Foods to Share with Your Dog

Let’s face it – we’re all guilty of sneaking our furry
friends a treat that is not made for them every now and then (or more
frequently than we’d like to admit). But do you really know what you’re feeding
your precious pup? Many foods that we eat daily have health benefits for your
pup; however, there a bunch of hidden dangers lurking in some human foods that
are not so good for your dog’s health. Read below to discover which foods are
perfect for a picnic with your pup – and which you should leave behind.

Best Foods

Carrots - Carrots are a great treat to feed your dog
because not only are they healthy in that they are low in calories, but they
are also high in vitamin A and beta-carotene. This means that they will help
your pup’s teeth, as well as their eyesight.

Apples - The flesh of an apple can help improve your
pup’s smelly breath. However, when feeding him apple slices, be sure to remove
the seeds and core, as they are not only a choking hazard, but also contain
cyanide, which can cause some very serious side effects.

Pumpkin - Pumpkin is chock-full of vitamin A. Feed
your pup this fall fruit year-round to help with his eyesight as well as keep
his GI tract functioning properly.

Salmon - Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids –
otherwise known as “the good kind of fat.” This healthy fat will help keep your
dog’s coat looking healthy and shiny (oh, and it will strengthen your hair and
nails, too – bonus!).

Rice - Rice is a great meal for any pup with an
upset stomach. This is because it is an easily digestible source of nutrition
and a good source of energy. Feed your pup brown rice if you want a higher
protein and lower fat content, or white rice if you want something more easily

Worst Foods

Milk/Dairy Products - The sugars found in milk are not able to be
broken down in your dog’s stomach. This can lead to gastrointestinal issues
such as vomiting and diarrhea, so avoid feeding your dog products that contain
dairy to avoid the potential onset of bacterial diseases.

Avocado - Avocado contains a fungicidal toxin known
as persin, which is dangerous to dogs when consumed in large quantities. It can
lead to difficulty breathing, severe abdominal pains, and other allergic
reactions such as fluid build-up in your dog’s chest. Avocado pits are also
dangerous to dogs, as they can be easily swallowed and can lead to blockage of
the intestines.

Onions/Garlic - Onions and garlic are part of the same
family, and, when consumed, both are very toxic to your dog. These two
flavorful foods contain toxins that can damage red blood cells in your pup,
leading to body weakness and lethargy. In severe cases, your dog may require a
blood transfusion.

Chocolate - Although this one is a popular one that
most people know, it is very important to list because it can kill your pup.
Chocolate has both caffeine and theobromine, two substances that are very toxic
to dogs. Dark chocolate contains more of these substances than milk chocolate,
and milk chocolate more than white chocolate. If a dog consumes chocolate,
especially in large amounts, it can cause vomiting, dehydration, stomach pain,
irregular heartbeat, fever, seizures, and even death.

Grapes/Raisins - Like with onions and garlic, these two
foods are members of the same family and can both cause some heartbreaking
effects if consumed by dogs. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur, as well as
dehydration and lethargy. But worst of all is kidney failure, which can result
in death in as little as three to four days.

Although it is natural to want to share tasty
treats with your four-legged friend, the best way to avoid any issues if you’re
unsure of potential threats is to avoid feeding your dog “people” food all
together. If you really can’t resist, just make sure you’re prepared with the
facts on food dangers and you’ll be good to go!

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