5 Benefits of a Dog Backpack

5 Benefits of a Dog Backpack

Posted by Keith Anderson on 18th July 2022

Does your pup have a dog backpack? If not, you may want to consider one. A dog backpack can make daily walks and weekend hikes a more rewarding experience for both of you. Not only do backpacks serve a utilitarian purpose (they help you carry stuff on the trail), they also keep your furry friend healthier and happier.

Here are five reasons you should consider getting your pup a backpack. Be sure to check out our video at the end highlighting the features of our Baxter Backpack.

1) It’s a great workout and can help your dog build muscle.

Dogs get their fair share of running and walking, but like humans, there are benefits to a well-balanced workout plan. Carrying a pack can help them build muscle, which can lead to a longer, healthier life.

Backpacks can also be helpful when you only have time for a short excursion but your pup has miles of energy to burn. The extra weight from the pack turns a half-hour walk into what feels like a full hour of work. So your dog is tired out in half the time!

2) They like to have a job.

Believe it or not, many types of dogs want jobs. A dog backpack gives your pup a purpose. When your dog is wearing his pack, he knows he’s helping in a tangible way. So he will generally behave better and feel happier.

If your dog is small or is an aging senior, consider strapping on an empty pack. He won’t know it’s just for decoration and will still benefit from feeling as if he’s helping out.

Being in “work mode” is also good for your dog’s mind. When your pooch has a pack on, he understands he has a job to do. This stimulates his brain as well as his body.

Photo credits: @life.with.winnie

3) It can help them focus.

Is your dog a cat or squirrel chaser? Carrying a pack puts him in working mode, which means he’s less likely to be distracted by something else.

A dog with a backpack is less prone to leash pulling, because he’s focused on the job at hand (walking and carrying his pack) rather than the interesting critter that just crossed the road in front of you. A more focused dog makes for a more enjoyable hiking companion.

4) It can be helpful for them to carry things.

If you’re on a long walk or hike together, there’s a good chance you have a bunch of stuff to carry. Your dog can help lighten the load by shuttling some of his own items (and maybe even a few of yours). Our Baxter Dog BackPack features two saddlebags to carry essentials like your pup’s water bottle and food, with exterior clips for items like our collapsible bowl.

Or you can design your own pack to fit your needs. Kurgo’scustomizable RSG line of gear is ideal for backpacking. Each item, beginning with one of our RSG harnesses, features rows of heavy-duty nylon webbing to securely attach compatible pouches and gear. These might includepack panniers for storage, a hydration flask, a dog first aid kit, and even a dog treat bag.

But sometimes it’s your furry friend who needs to be carried.

Some breeds simply aren’t built to rack up miles on the trail. Our dog carrier backpacks, particularly the G-Train Dog Carrier Backpack designed for rugged excursions, allow your dog to take a rest without slowing you down. Along with a spot for your pooch, the pack has room for other pet (and human) essentials.

5) Your dog will sleep well, and so will you!

A nice long walk with an appropriately weighted pack will give your dog a great workout. More than likely, he will fall asleep in the car on the way home and sleep soundly that night.

But your furry companion isn’t the only one who will benefit. You’ll be able to keep a steadier, more vigorous pace when your dog is focused on his important job. Less stopping, waiting, and tugging means a more effective, rewarding workout for you.

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