Ambassador Highlight: Meet Kristina and Draco

Posted by Maren Forsyth on 24th August 2021

Draco the Border Collie loves exploring with his dog mom Kristina in Florida. We caught up with these Kurgo Ambassadors and asked them their favorite tips, tricks, and places they'd like to go.

How did you meet Draco?

I met Draco in 2013 when he was 5 weeks old, but wasn’t sure if I’d end up with him or one of his litter mates. He was such a fuzz ball of adorableness and I definitely fell in love quickly! Then at 10 weeks he came home and joined the family!

Kristina and Draco the border collie standing on a rock.

What is your go-to Kurgo product?

So many products are my favorites! But the Baxter BackpackJourney Air Harness, and Ascender Leash as well as the Springback Leash are my go-tos when hiking!

Draco the border collie looks at the camera while wearing the Journey Air Harness. Kristina is holding the Ascender Leash.

Do you have a favorite local hike?

My favorite local hikes would have to be ones I’ve gone to by my mom’s which were along the Creeper Trail and also Carver’s Gap! The scenery is stunning and beautiful trails friendly to dogs!

Kristina holding Draco the border collie's paws as they look out on the mountainscape.

Favorite activity together?

Draco adores water sports like dock diving and retrieving! He could play fetch and swim all day if I let him!

Draco the border collie running on the beach with his life jacket and toy.

Any future outdoor plans you’re looking forward to this year?

So many! We plan on a few more out of state vacations to Texas, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia! We are hoping to see some beautiful fall colors again this year.

You can follow Kristina and Draco on all their adventures @bordercolliedraco on Instagram.


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