Ambassador Highlight: Meet Sunshine and Sancho

Posted by Maren Forsyth on 25th October 2021

Sunshine and Sancho are an unstoppable road trip and hiking duo from Virginia. We caught up with these Kurgo Ambassadors and asked them their favorite tips, tricks, and places they'd like to go.

How did you meet Sancho?
We met Sancho when he was 9 weeks old. He was supposed to be someone else’s new family member, but for an unknown reason they backed out. I think it's safe to say, it was meant to be. We flew to Oklahoma and drove an hour to pick him up in Arkansas. We then drove almost 20 hours from Arkansas back home to Virginia. Sancho did so well during the 20-hour drive, that’s also we knew that he will be a great travel/road trip partner.

Sunshine and Sancho are sitting on a rock wall while the moon hangs low in the sky. Sunshine is smiling at Sancho.

What is your favorite Kurgo product?
I love the Journey Air Dog Harness, Humble Dog Leash, and the RSG Active Utility Belt. It allows me to keep Sancho secure while keeping my hands free.

Sancho the goldendoodle sitting on a mountaintop. He is wearing a red Journey Air Harness.

Do you have a favorite local hike?
Shenandoah National Park is an hour drive from us, we try to visit the park at least once a week. We love Black Rock Summit and Hawksbill Loop - the highest peak in the Park.

Sunshine and Sancho are sitting on a lush, green mountainside. The summit overlooks a horseshoe shaped trail.

Favorite activity with Sancho?
We love hiking all year round, but our favorite is Sunrise hikes during Fall.

Sunshine and Sancho are sitting on a rock overlooking an open, grassy mountainside at sunset. Sunshine is wearing a red flannel, and Sancho is wearing a Journey Air Harness over a Core Cooling Vest.

Any future outdoor plans you’re looking forward to this year?
We are super excited for our upcoming Fall road trip this October, we’ll be headed to the Southwest of Virginia and West Virginia. We are also planning a winter road trip to Canada and West Coast.

Sunshine sits in her parked car and looking at the sunset over the mountains. Sancho the goldendoodle is peeking his head out of the window.

What do you love most about being a Kurgo ambassador?
We have connected with a lot of people by passing on our experiences with the products. We’ve used Kurgo for almost a year now and stand behind the brand and the quality of the products.

Sunshine and Sancho are a part of Kurgo's Adventure Together Fund, where we empower diverse voices in the outdoor space. You can follow Sunshine and Sancho's adventures @withsunshinesol on Instagram.

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